Major Areas of Research
Important areas of research conducted by the Department’s employees include:
- social movements in Poland in the 20th and 21st century,
- Poland – history of the nation, state, culture,
- risk – an attempt at integrating research prospects,
- information society in terms of European integration,
- similarities and differences between European Union member states and countries aspiring to it,
- place and role of Poland and the European Union institutions in the pan-European and regional dimension,
- continuity and change in the Polish society in the 20th century,
- European information society – historical, political, sociological, psychological and cultural aspects,
- European identity from a historical, sociological, axiological and cultural perspective; a search for a common denominator for the needs of the EU constitution,
- civic activity in Poland and in Europe – historical, political, sociological, psychological and cultural aspects,
- socio-cultural requirements for a balanced development,
- theory of decision, temporal psychology, political psychology, an application of modeling methods and game theory in psychology,
- human rights, natural laws, business ethics, ethics in management and engineering, ethical codes,
- socio-cultural aspects of security.